iPhone 6 Features and Complaints

[ad_1] iPhone 6 is one of Apple's flagship phones. Following its annual trend, Apple has launched its next flagship phone. Having released just another one of their models, it is time to revel in the glory of their newest range of phones. So iPhone users rush to your near stores to get the newest version of the iPhone! iPhone 6 has a number of interesting features that differ from the iPhone 5S. Here's a look what the iPhone offers and how it is different from its predecessor, the iPhone 5S. This much awaited and coveted phone promises all things well. So let's see what it's all about. 1. Bigger display- For those who found the iPhone 5 and 5S screen size a tad limiting in terms of display; iPhone 6 brings you a longer, crisper LED screen at 4.7 inches. Frankly, the viewing experience on this display is a lot…

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